Monday, 1 November 2010

Who is Atatürk?

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Atatürk means "father of the Turks") was the founder of modern Turkey. Hero in World War I, fought for Turkey's independence and the modernization of the country.
The Republic of Turkey was founded on 29 October (national holiday since then) 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Kemal its first president elected, replacing the dynastic and theocratic Ottoman system, with its Sultanate and Caliphate in 1924

Reforms carried out by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk:

• Closure of religious schools and the abolition of the shari'a (religious law) (1924) 
• Adoption of a Constitution (1924) and abolition of the the Ottoman sultans as nominal head of the Islamic faith (1924) 
• Prohibition of the fez and the veil (1925). Entering Western attire (including the use of the hat in place of the turban and fez, the red felt hat worn by the Turks, which he regarded as a symbol of feudalism) 
• Adoption of the Christian calendar (Gregorian calendar) instead of the Muslim one (1925) 
• Introduction of a new Civil Code based on the Swiss civil code, which ended with polygamy and divorce by repudiation, introducing civil marriage (1926). Atatürk considered and praised the vital importance of women in Turkish society and made numerous reforms to grant equal rights and opportunities for Turkish women. Abolished polygamy and recognized the equal rights of women regarding divorce, child custody and inheritance. And it provided the same opportunities to both men and women in the entire education system from primary school to university. 
• Adoption of the Italian Penal Code and German Commercial Code.
• Make the first population census (1927) 
• Arabic is replaced by the Latin alphabet (1928). All Turks among six and forty years of age were forced to return to school to learn the new alphabet. In the Turkish language many Arabic and Persian words were replaced by Turkish words.
• Declaration of the secular state (1928)
• The call to prayers and public recitations of the Koran must be in Turkish instead of Arabic (1933) 
• The visual representation of the human figure had been banned during the Ottoman Empire under the Islamic faith, Atatürk established new art schools for boys and girls and a large number of Fine Arts schools. 
• He got rid of the Islamic ban on alcohol. Kemal had great appreciation for the country liquor (raki) of  which he consumed large quantities.
• Granted the right for women to vote and the right to be voted, to be eligible for government positions (1934)
• Introduction of surnames (inherited) replacing the traditional Arabic name only (1934). Mustafa Kemal adopted the surname Atatürk, father of the Turks.
• He proclaimed Sunday as a day off instead of fridays, like was the custom in the muslim world (1935)

Thanks to the wikipedia ( I could collect every important element of such essential reforms. It's amazing the mammoth reform that took place. I'm fascinated by this man, able to achieve such a structural and radical turn in so little time in an entire country and counting on the approval of the majority. And on top of it without any abuse of power. I don't know of another person like it and I doubt there are many like him.  
I try to visualize something like that happening in any European country and I can not imagine. Nor in the American system, or in Japanese society, or India, let alone in Africa or China.
Imagine for a moment, to reform a country in their language and writing, in their beliefs, customs, in ideology, politics, economy, society, dress code, education system, its laws ...
Think for a moment what it represents in any coutry for instance, the issue of gay marriage or children's
adoption by gay families, the abolition of national customs, or the religions supported greatly from their government's accounts or even the institution of the monarchy, which almost all of Europe is involved in. With that in mind, don't you find amazing what Atatürk carried out in his country and in just 10 years?

And now, add to that thought one more: we are talking about the period between 1924 to 1935. Hey, not even my mother was born then! Let's go down memory lane: how long it's been since anyone can get divorced in your country?, How long it's been since a woman can open a bank account by herself?, Since when Europe does not have "Caliphate"? (Upps, if we still live under monarchies!). 

No wonder this man's portrait is everywhere in Turkey, in almost every business, every office, every school, I even saw his picture inside taxis, minibuses and even in public bathrooms.

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